Remember all that helpful information on how to run a business in grad school?
Yeah, I didn’t get that class either.
My professors (who were all wonderful), didn’t pull me aside and say “Hey Jennifer, here is how you balance family and work while making a decent living.” In fact, I frequently heard “Be prepared to not make enough money.” Wait, what? Shouldn’t you have put this as a disclaimer BEFORE I applied to grad school?

So began my quest to make good money (sacrilegious in our field).
Nights, weekends, doubles, climbing through the ranks, doing whatever it took. Then, there I was upper management, reasonable salary and…I…was…miserable. I was in an awful physical and mental condition. I quit. Took a lower management position, hungout there for a minute, continued to learn, work constantly…still…miserable. I hated management but there was no way to make money there without being in management. I stepped down. I didn’t want to work like that anymore.
Thankfully, I was able to secure a lead position working part time so I could have insurance and not work as much. I started working at an amazing private practice on the side which eventually became my only job.
After 14 years of trial and error, I can finally say that I, not only feel balanced, BUT ALSO financially secure in a career that I love. I want to help you do the same. Allow me to share with you my mistakes, failures, successes, and lessons as a former assessment counselor, hospital social worker, failed private practitioner, director of social services, director of outpatient services, imposter syndrome sufferer, and burnout survivor.
Therapist2Therapist started as a sensation more than anything. Each step that I took towards where I am today was a sensation of alignment and growth. Small movements. Minute course corrections, a leaf turning slightly towards the sun. Each piece locking into place and developing deeper foundational roots. I am so grateful for the many opportunities that I have had because they have all led me here. I developed Therapist2Therapist to be a community for you to experience that same sensation. Together, we will help you achieve your goals without sacrificing your values, sanity, or bank account.

The mission of Therapist 2 Therapist is to help clinicians connect, grow, and get shit done.
By focusing on these three things, therapists who are short on time and energy can build sustainable practices. By building sustainable practices, we can ultimately serve to better the mental health of our communities.
Forget hustle. Slow down. Align. Achieve.