10 Reasons Why Regular Work Retreats are Helpful.
Other than the obvi…work retreats help you…get shit done. Here is a list of the reasons they help me, email me other reasons work retreats help you.
Private practice can be isolating, work retreats can be an opportunity to connect with others
Private practice is busy, invest in a dedicated time for yourself and your business
Getting out of your own environment allows for the creative energy to flow
Scheduling time to complete tasks allows for greater efficiency
It the retreats have CEs, that keeps you from procrastinating until licensure renewal time (like I did last year)
Practice what we preach, dedicate time and resources for your career self care
It’s a great opportunity for introverts to network because it has a deep purpose and focus (you know introverts hate that small talk)
We do more creative work when well rested
It minimizes distractions
We can explore feedback and other ideas to help our practices be more sustainable
Hopefully, you’re convinced to do a work retreat now. Make your own retreat or sign up for one of our quarterly retreats.