Consultation Group Guidelines

Consultation groups can be one of the best ways to improve your skills in therapy, connect with colleagues, and get challenged to think outside of the lines. I attend two different consultation groups and am looking at a third. But not all consultation groups are equal. Here are some guidelines to get your consultation group a good foundation.

  1. Show up (virtual or in person), even more so if it is a free consultation group Show up even if you don’t believe you need consultation on a case- that’s not the only point of a consultation, you can learn vicariously or provide feedback to others from your experience.

  2. Come prepared with something, even if you don’t feel like you need feedback, come with a case to discuss no matter what. Now, if you don’t feel like you need feedback then let someone else share but come with something. You can find sample cases from your malpractice insurance website as well. Most people have their insurance with either CPH or HPSO.

  3. Don’t only focus on cases, sometimes I consult with colleagues about scheduling, rates, best practices.

  4. The consultation in and of itself is not the only purpose, building relationships is just as valuable, so if there are no cases it is still important to build the relationships. If everyone has work to do, turn it into a coworking situation.

  5. Try not to repeat previous feedback, if someone recommended referral then offer a different solution. The point of consultation is not to get people who will agree with you but to get a variety of courses/options and then choose the best one.

  6. Refer back to the ethical guidelines, often. Google is your friend, find references. I just stumbled on a website entirely devoted to Jaffee v. Redmond which was the case which gave federal privilege to therapists.


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