Our Library
A curated library filled with useful tips, how-tos, and resources to help you on your entrepreneurial journey.
The Labor of Private Practice
When considering whether private practice is right for you, think about where you are in your life right now. For me, private practice is feasible because my spouse has a W2 job with great health benefits. My body requires more than basic insurance, so if that ever changes, I'll be seeking out a federal W2 job. The key is to evaluate what truly serves you best at this stage in your life.
Mastering Success: The Power of Outcome vs. Process Goals for Therapists in Private Practice
In the fast-paced world of private practice, therapists often set lofty outcome goals, such as expanding their client base or achieving financial stability. While these end results are crucial, focusing solely on them can sometimes lead to frustration and burnout. The journey can be especially challenging for solo practitioners, who may face feelings of loneliness and overwhelm as they navigate the complexities of running a practice independently. Instead, prioritizing process goals—those small, daily actions that contribute to long-term success—can create a more sustainable and satisfying path to achieving your aspirations. By shifting your focus to the steps you can control, you'll not only enhance your professional growth but also improve the quality of care you provide to your clients. In this blog post, we'll explore why embracing process goals over outcome goals can transform your private practice and lead to more meaningful and consistent progress.
Disabled Clinicians: You Belong Here Too
In the world of mental health, diversity and inclusion are more than buzzwords—they are vital components that enhance the quality of care and enrich the therapeutic experience for clients and professionals alike. One significant, yet often overlooked, aspect of this diversity is the inclusion of disabled therapists. As we strive to create a more inclusive society, it’s time we recognize and actively support the unique and invaluable contributions that therapists with disabilities bring to the field of mental health. FYI: disability is not a bad word, many people prefer identity first language but some prefer person first. Defer to the person on how they prefer to be referred to but for the most part people do not like the terms differently abled, special, or other euphemisms-so please refrain from that unless specifically asked. For this article, I will alternate between disabled clinician and clinician/individual with disability.
Accommodations for Managing a Dynamic Disability in Private Practice
For clinical mental health counselors with dynamic disabilities, managing their practice effectively while prioritizing their health and well-being is crucial. Here are several accommodations that can help counselors maintain a successful private practice:
Embracing AI: Empowering Therapists with Disabilities in Private Practice
In the ever-evolving landscape of mental health care, therapists with disabilities face unique challenges and opportunities. Private practice responsibilities, from client management to administrative tasks, can be particularly demanding. However, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way therapists work, making it easier than ever for those with disabilities to thrive in private practice. Let's explore how AI can help bridge the gap and empower therapists to provide the best care possible while managing their responsibilities efficiently. In fact, I used AI to help me write this article because I was experiencing lack of energy and motivation though the topic is incredibly important to me and I wanted to honor and highlight disability for the month of July (Disability Pride month).
Mastering Multiple Mentors: Navigating Counseling Supervision
Embarking on your counseling career is an exhilarating journey filled with boundless opportunities for growth, learning, and personal development. As you navigate the path from graduate to professional counselor, the decision of selecting the right supervisor(s) becomes paramount. In this guide, we'll explore the advantages and considerations of having multiple counseling supervisors, delving into the enriching experiences and potential challenges associated with this approach. Additionally, we'll examine the nuances of in-house versus out-of-house supervision, providing valuable insights to empower you in making informed decisions that align with your aspirations and professional goals. Let's embark on this exploration together, embracing the transformative power of supervision in shaping your journey as a counselor.
Key Questions for Finding Your Ideal Counseling Supervisor
Choosing the right supervisor is a crucial step in your journey as a professional counselor. Here are some key questions to ask to ensure you find the perfect fit:
Essential Keepsakes for Counseling Grads
Congratulations on your graduation! As you transition from student to professional, it’s crucial to keep a few key items handy to ensure a smooth and successful start to your counseling career:
Beyond Graduation: Your Counseling Career Roadmap
Congratulations on completing your professional counseling degree! Over the past three years, you've dedicated yourself to rigorous study, practical experience, and personal growth, all in pursuit of becoming a skilled and compassionate counselor. Now, as you prepare to embark on this exciting journey, let's explore the essential steps to help you transition smoothly into the field of professional counseling.
2024 Resources for New Clinicians
If you provides resources for new clinicians like supervision, continuing ed, mentorship, or job opportunities, please fill out the form below and I will provide your resource to attendees of the New Clinician Expo.
Expand Your Horizons: Diversify Your Practice Alongside Your Portfolio
The threat of burnout in our profession is real and imminent. Diversifying a therapist's practice can be an effective strategy for managing burnout by introducing variety, new challenges, and alternative sources of fulfillment. Here are some ways therapists can diversify their practice:
The 3 Subtypes of Burnout You Don’t Know but Need to Know.
The 3 Subtypes of Burnout You Don’t Know but Need to Know.
Montero-Marín proposes that there are 3 different clinical manifestations of burnout.
Fueling Resilience: How Our Must-Do Training Curbs Burnout!
Fueling Resilience: How Our Must-Do Training Curbs Burnout! We are required to keep our continuing education current with licensure guidelines but what if it helps with more than just our license? We don’t know exactly how to intervene (meaning we have a lot of guesses but not a lot of evidence based research to go off) when burnout strikes but I believe that continuing education plays a crucial role in preventing or reducing burnout among therapists for several reasons:
What Causes Burnout in Therapists?
Burnout in therapists can be caused by a combination of factors, both personal and professional. Here are some common reasons:
Free/Low Cost Continuing Education
Free or Low Cost Continuing Ed for Therapists in Georgia. Check out the list.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria Recovery Ritual
RSD can wreak havoc for a solo private practioner but that doesn’t mean you can’t have your solo practice. Rejection is not an if but a when. We need to accept that we are not everyone’s cup of tea. Some folks like coffee better. Having a recovery ritual can help you rebound better.
How to Market when you have Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
RSD is no joke, I definitely feel the sting when someone doesn’t want to build a relationship or appreciate my offers. It can be hard to get back in the saddle.
Don’t Market your Psychotherapy Practice
If you are a giant practice who had thousands to spend on Google Ads, SEO, and advertising then market away. But if you are an introverted solo private practioner short on time and energy, and hate marketing, keep reading:
Frequent Continuing Education Myths
Let’s dispell a couple continuing education myths out there. Links to the facts.
Continuing Education in the State of Georgia
Having trouble finding the exact rules for renewing your APC, LPC, AMFT, LMFT, LMSW, or LCSW in Georgia. I provide the link to the rules as well as a copy and paste of the exact rule.